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College of Nursing (CON) Academic Programs and the UNMC Financial Aid office jointly administer remissions awards for CON undergraduate, Professional (MSN, DNP) and PhD students. The Remissions Committee is composed of the Dean, Associate Dean for Academic Programs, Director of Student Services, Director of Administration and Operations, Director of the BSN Program, Administrator II in the Dean’s Office, and the Data Project Coordinator for Student Services.

Regents Scholarships and CON Tuition Scholarships (Waivers) Allocation

Regents and Waiver remission award decisions are made annually. Awards are granted to BSN-Traditional students for one academic year, to cover both Fall and Spring semesters. Awards are granted to BSN-Accelerated students to cover Spring, Summer and Fall semesters (program is one year beginning in January). Remissions awards are initially determined by CON Academic Programs, with oversight and final approval by a majority consensus of the CON Undergraduate Admission, Progression, Graduation and Scholarship/Grant Committee (UAPGSGC)

All full-time BSN-Traditional students (1st year entering and 2nd year returning) and full-time BSN-Accelerated students at all five CON campuses (Kearney, Lincoln, Norfolk, Omaha, and Scottsbluff) are eligible for consideration of remissions awards including VA Scholars. Financial Aid provides a list of names and demographic information to CON Academic Programs.

Global students may be considered for tuition waivers depending on the provisions of the contractual arrangement with their home institution.

Student GPA is added by CON Academic Programs. For incoming students, prerequisite overall GPA is used. For returning students, GPA is calculated using prerequisite and first semester GPA.

The budget for remissions awards is determined each spring by the Remissions Committee.

  1. Nebraska Promise (Regents Policy, RP 5.7.7)

    1. Tuition Assistance Program to qualified full-time, undergraduate, Nebraska resident students. The Tuition Assistance Program will cover the cost of up to 30 credit hours in an academic year but does not include summer sessions. The Tuition Assistance Program does not substitute for but rather supplements existing University of Nebraska need-based aid, which is allocated to students by campus financial aid offices based upon unmet need analyses performed by campus financial aid staff and following federal financial aid guidelines.
  2. Regents Scholarships (Regents Policy, RP 5.8.5)

    1. 1st and 2nd year BSN-Traditional undergraduate students who are Nebraska residents are eligible
    2. Provides an amount up to the full cost of tuition for the academic year
    3. The amount is determined by the CON and may vary each year depending on the projected estimated cost of attendance
    4. Students cannot have received other scholarships for the upcoming academic year
    5. BSN-Accelerated students are not eligible since they have already been awarded one undergraduate degree
  3. College of Nursing Tuition Scholarship (Waivers)

    1. Priority is given to BSN-Accelerated students who are Nebraska residents; BSN-Traditional students who are Nebraska residents may also be considered if funds are available
    2. Provides an amount up to the full cost of tuition
    3. The amount is determined by CON and may vary each year depending on the estimated cost of attendance
    4. Priority is given to students without other scholarship support

Regents and Waiver remission allocation is based on a competitive and merit-based process. The list of eligible students is sorted by GPA, highest to lowest before allocations are made. Recipients are then selected who best match the stated eligibility criteria.

Regents Scholarship awards are allocated first to students with the highest GPAs who match the scholarship criteria until all have been awarded.

Allocations are next made to students in the highest GPA range who do not match all eligibility criteria for a Regents Scholarship, but who match eligibility criteria for a CON Tuition Scholarship (Waiver). Allocations continue until all have been awarded.

A meeting with the Undergraduate Admission, Progression, Graduation and Scholarship/Grant Committee (UAPGSGC) is arranged by CON Academic Programs. Since the meeting is commonly held in summer when some faculty are off contract, a majority of the faculty committee members must be in attendance if not all can be present. Attending also, is the Associate Dean for Academic Programs and the Undergraduate Program Director. A copy of the 1st draft of proposed allocations (minus student names) is forwarded prior to the meeting. A list of available scholarships, including total amount available, and criteria is also forwarded. At the meeting, any adjustments are made and final approval of allocations is obtained from the Committee.

A copy of the final list of recipients and the scholarship amount allocated to each is sent to Financial Aid who posts the awards to the students’ accounts.

Reallocations of scholarship funds are made as necessary throughout the summer and academic year. In the event that a recipient withdraws, reduces hours to part-time, or declines an award, the amount of the award is re-allocated to the next eligible student on the list that meets award criteria.

Non-Resident Tuition Remission Allocation

Non-Resident Tuition Remission Scholarships are jointly administered by College of Nursing (CON) and the UNMC Financial Aid office. There are two types of awards, the Nebraska Legacy Scholarship (undergraduate BSN Traditional and BSN-Accelerated students), and the Non-Resident Tuition Scholarship (NRTS) for undergraduate, Professional (MSN, DNP), and PhD students. The budget for these scholarships is determined each spring by the Remissions Committee.

Nebraska Legacy Scholarship (Regents Policy, RP 5.8.4)

The Nebraska Legacy Scholarship awards a percentage of the difference between resident and non-resident tuition for non-resident students whose parent(s) graduated from one of the University of Nebraska campuses. The percentage of the differential is determined by CON and may vary each year depending on the number of students and estimated cost of attendance. Traditional-BSN students who have not received a prior degree (e.g., BSN, BA, etc.) are eligible for consideration of the scholarship.

Potential recipients submit an application to Financial Aid who verifies eligibility, then forwards the application to the Undergraduate Program Director for final approval. Scholarships are awarded for one academic year.

Non-Resident Tuition Scholarship (NRTS) (Regents Policy, RP 5.8.3)

The Non-Resident Tuition Scholarship awards an amount up to the difference between resident and non-resident tuition for students who are not residents of Nebraska. CON students in all programs, undergraduate and graduate, (except RN-BSN) who meet the minimum GPA requirement for admission (3.0 GPA for undergraduate and 3.0-3.4 GPA for graduate, depending on the program) and are not Nebraska residents are eligible for consideration of NRTS and are not required to apply. The award amount is determined by the Remissions Committee and may vary each year depending on the projected number of students and estimated cost of attendance. Full-time students at all levels will receive primary consideration followed by part-time students based on budgetary allocation.

Undergraduate NRTS

Budget for undergraduate NRTS is determined by analyzing the anticipated number of enrolled non-resident students at each division with consideration for enrollment capacity and achievement of rural enrollment goals. Award amounts for each division are set based on enrollment needs at each site with a particular focus on expanding enrollments on the rural campuses. Awards are allocated to all eligible non-resident students at the amount determined for each division pro-rated for the enrolled plan of study.

As part of the College of Nursing’s strategic priority to expand rural enrollments, non-resident tuition scholarships for Traditional BSN and Accelerated BSN students on the three rural campuses (Kearney, West Nebraska, and Northern) will be provided to cover the costs of the full out-of-state component of tuition for students from the contiguous states of Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota and Iowa who are attending the Traditional or Accelerated BSN program on the Kearney, West Nebraska or Northern Divisions campuses.

Out of state residents from other states than those noted may also be awarded BSN-Traditional and BSN-Accelerated non-resident tuition scholarships to these three rural campuses based on budget availability.

Graduate NRTS

Budget for graduate NRTS is determined based on prior year award amounts and the anticipated number of enrolled non-resident students.

Final Awards Process

Final award allocations are reviewed to confirm eligibility prior to sending the awardee list to UNMC Financial Aid.

The list of recipients and allocation amount is forwarded to Financial Aid to be posted to the students’ accounts for the academic year. Additional postings are made later for students with January start dates.

If a student later becomes a Nebraska resident, the NRTS award will be cancelled and removed from the student’s financial aid package.

Volunteer Faculty Participating in DEU Clinical Supervision

The Dedicated Education Unit (DEU) enlists the assistance of hospital staff nurses as clinical staff instructors (CSI) to mentor and supervise students. The hospital staff nurses work collaboratively with faculty members to provide a comprehensive clinical and educational experience for students. The clinical staff instructors are recognized for their contributions to the DEU project with two (2) credit hours tuition remission per DEU session.  Tuition credit must be used within three (3) years of service. Tuition remission is granted upon request of the CSI and verification by the College of Nursing DEU project director. Tuition remission verification is channeled to CON Student Services and applied to the student’s bill.

Tuition Remission for Graduate Assistant Appointments

Students may apply and be appointed to a graduate assistant (GA) position to support teaching, research or general College of Nursing needs. Tuition remission for up to 12 credit hours per semester is awarded to students who are appointed to a graduate assistant position by the end of the first week of class. The GA appointment must be for the entire semester, and the student must be assigned to work at least .33 FTE (15 hours per week). If the appointment is made for any time period less than a full semester or less than 15 hours per week, the student is not eligible to receive tuition remission.

Students appointed to a GA position for the entire semester will receive tuition remission. If a student resigns from their position before the end of the semester, they will be responsible for paying the full amount of tuition due for that semester, including the 12 credit hours originally remitted.

Some GAs may be assigned to work over the summer. If a summer contract is negotiated, students are not required to be enrolled in classes during the summer. 

Revised 5/22/2023