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To prevent unintentional ingestion and/or absorption of chemical, biological or radioactive materials.


This policy is applicable to all UNMC students, staff, faculty and visitors.

Basis of the Policy

Occupational Safety and Health Administration Standard Title 29 CFR 1910.142.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) NUREG-1556, “Consolidated Guidance About Materials Licenses, Program-Specific Guidance About Licenses of Broad Scope”, Vol. 11, Rev. 1, February 2017 (Pages 8-13, 8-51, and K-1).

National Institutes of Health and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Advisory Document, Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories, 6th Edition, page 34, June 2020.

Authorities and Administration

The principal investigator and area supervisor/manager are responsible for enforcing the policy within their areas.

Business unit management is responsible for policy adherence within their departments.

Those violating this policy are subject to corrective and disciplinary actions in accordance with UNMC Policy No. 1098, Corrective and Disciplinary Action.


The use of food, drink, candy, handling contact lenses and/or the application of lotion, lip balm or cosmetics are not allowed in any areas where chemical, biological or radioactive materials are used or stored. Use of food/drinks shall include preparing, consumption and/or storage.

Tobacco products are not allowed on campus per UNMC Policy No. 1100, Tobacco-Free Campus.

Use of food, drink and the application of cosmetics are only permitted in rooms where chemical, biological or radioactive materials are not used or stored. If a room is located within the area where these materials are used or stored, this room must have four walls (floor to ceiling) and a door (not an opening without a door), e.g., an office within a laboratory. Food and drinks must be covered prior to transporting through an area where hazardous material is used or stored.

Hands should be washed after removing gloves and prior to handling food, drinks, contact lenses, applying cosmetics or any other hand-to-mouth activities.

Food and drinks may be placed in the corridor outside the lab if doing so does not violate fire codes and the container is covered.

Additional Information

Policy No: 2010
Effective Date: 11/10/10
Revised Date: 12/02/21
Reviewed Date: 12/02/21