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Student Fee Initiation/Change Approval Process for Course, Laboratory, and Miscellaneous Fees

  • A request is sent from the Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Success to deans, directors, and college administrators requesting all student fee changes (additions, deletions, increases, suspensions and decreases) along with justifications to be submitted by a specific deadline that aligns with the annual Board of Regents process for the next academic year.
  • Included in the email sent to the deans and administrators is an attachment of the previous year’s fees, as well as information specifying the allowable use of the funds and identifying restrictions, limitations, or conditions placed on the expenditure of fee revenues as dictated in University of Nebraska Board of Regents Policy 5.9.2.
  • Fee change requests must be submitted utilizing the UNMC Fees Approval Form provided as part of the initial communication sent to deans, directors, and college administrators described above.
  • Deans and unit administrators collect all fee change requests for their unit and forward these to Student Success by the identified deadline.
  • Once Student Success receives all requests and justifications, a spreadsheet of the changes is created and submitted for review by the Senior Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs.
  • The Senior Vice Chancellor may request further justification of changes and/or decline requests for changes.
  • After final review by the Senior Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs, the student fee change requests/justifications spreadsheet is sent to Central Administration/Office of the President for review and/or approval.
  • Further questions from Central Administration/Office of the President are sent to the Senior Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs for further evaluation or justifications.
  • After final approval by the President, a report is included as part of the Board of Regents agenda.