The University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) desires to provide students with a drug-free, healthy, safe and secure educational environment. Certain behaviors that impede academic performance and which may also endanger patients in the health care setting are prohibited according to the "Standards of Conduct for Employees and Students Regarding Alcohol and Drugs." Students enrolled by UNMC are expected to read this policy and be aware of the physical, psychological and legal consequences of substance abuse and chemical dependency.
Summary of Prohibited Behaviors
- Use, possession, manufacture, distribution or sale of illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia;
- Unauthorized use or possession of manufacture, distribution or sale of a controlled substance;
- Unauthorized use, manufacture, distribution, possession or sale of alcohol;
- Storing in a locker, desk, vehicle, or other place on University-owned or occupied premises, any unauthorized controlled substances, drug paraphernalia or alcohol;
Items #1-4 apply to activity taking place on University premises, while on University business, at University activities, in University vehicles either during or after working hours; - Use of alcohol OFF University premises that adversely affects a student’s clinical or academic performance;
- Possession, use, manufacture, distribution or sale of illegal drugs OFF University premises that adversely affects the student’s academic performance, or a student’s safety or the safety of others;
- Violation of State or Federal laws relating to the unauthorized use, possession, manufacture, distribution or sale of alcohol, controlled substances or drug paraphernalia;
- In the case of employees, failure to notify an employee’s supervisor of an employee’s arrest or conviction under any criminal drug statute as a result of a violation of law which occurs at the University of Nebraska workplace.
As an agency of the State of Nebraska, UNMC students who violate alcohol or drug laws, or who use substances in violation of UNMC policies, or who violate their academic program’s standards for professional conduct, will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct.
When College officials (e.g. Deans, department heads, faculty) observe evidence of ongoing substance abuse or dependency, they may require the identified student to complete chemical dependency and psychological evaluations, submit to random drug screens, join support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous, and/or undergo either inpatient or outpatient chemical dependency treatment as outlined in UNMC policy #1092 Chemical Dependence. An aftercare program following completion of chemical dependency treatment may also be mandated. Suspension or termination of the impaired student’s academic program will result if the problem is not resolved efficiently.