Dean’s List
Policy Scope
The College of Allied Health Professions (CAHP) Dean for Academic Affairs will recognize student’s outstanding academic achievement for full-time study in an undergraduate program by placing students on the Dean's List each semester.
Policy Statement
Only students enrolled full-time in a degree-seeking, undergraduate program in the College of Allied Health Professions CAHP are eligible for the Dean's List.
The UNMC program grade point average for the semester must be 3.75 or above.
The CAHP Enrollment Management & Student Affairs office verifies eligible candidates and submits names to the Program Director and Dean for Academic Affairs.
Students are notified by email correspondence from the Dean for Academic Affairs.
A list of students to be recognized will be sent to the UNMC Public Relations Office.
Effective Date: 8/1/22
Revised Date: 1/23/23
Policy Process Applied: Standard
Policy Review Cycle: Three-Year
Responsible Administrator: CAHP Dean for Academic Affairs
Responsible Office: CAHP Office of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs
Policy Contact: Tammy Webster,