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Performance Evaluation and Progression

Policy Scope

Students enrolled in College of Allied Health Professions (CAHP, or “the College”) programs are expected to make satisfactory academic progress toward completion of program requirements and graduation and must meet specific academic performance standards. The Performance Evaluation and Progression policy applies to all students enrolled in a formal program of study within the UNMC College of Allied Health Professions. The intent of this policy is to provide procedures for managing academic and professional performance that does not meet standards.

Policy Statement

Students at the University of Nebraska Medical Center are members of an academic community in which satisfactory academic standing and progression are essential to meet student learning outcomes, requirements for program completion and graduation, and to ensure eligibility for licensure and certification examinations. Educational programs housed within the College of Allied Health Professions have identified academic performance standards and professional behaviors to guide expectations for successful progression.

Standards for Academic Performance – Students must meet performance standards defined by individual assessments and course requirements within a course syllabus, minimum course grade benchmarks, and academic standards provided in respective program handbooks. Failure to meet the academic performance standards may result in academic actions and/or a change in academic standing. 

Standards for Professional Behavior – Professionalism, which manifests in the consistent performance of professional behaviors, is expected of students enrolled in the College.  Professional behaviors are identified, defined, and assessed where relevant, such as in program and college policies and procedures, course syllabi, and technical standards. As such, the demonstration of professional behaviors is considered an element of academic performance. Programs will assess professional behaviors throughout the student’s plan of study.  Failure to meet standards for professional behavior may result in academic actions and/or a change in academic standing.  Behaviors deemed to be misconduct and in violation of the Student Code of Conduct policy will be adjudicated through the procedures provided in that policy.

To be considered in good academic standing prior to graduation, students must successfully complete:

  1. All program, college, and UNMC requirements, 
  2. All courses, as defined by the Standards for Academic Performance and Professional Behavior, included in the student’s plan of study and in accordance with any required course sequencing,
  3. All individual assessment grade requirements, course requirements, and minimum course grade benchmarks as defined in the course syllabus or respective program handbooks, and
  4. All published standards and expectations.


Performance Evaluation and Progression Actions

  1. Student-Initiated Actions – Any number of factors may impact a student’s capacity to maintain satisfactory academic standing and progression. Students should contact their respective Program Director (or designee), or the Director of Admissions & Enrollment for procedural steps involved with Student-Initiated Actions. Depending on the specific circumstances involved, students unable to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progression and meet Standards for Academic Performance and Professional Behavior may consider voluntarily initiating one of the following:
    1. Personal Leave of Absence
    2. Maternity/Paternity Leave
    3. Medical Leave of Absence
    4. Voluntary Withdrawal
  2. Program-Initiated Actions – When resolving matters of unsatisfactory academic performance or unprofessional behavior, the burden of proof resides with the student to demonstrate by the weight of the evidence that the action of the program or academic unit was unsubstantiated. Inability to do so will result in one or more of the following actions:
    1. Formal Remediation without Academic Probation
    2. Formal Remediation with Academic Probation
    3. Required Leave of Absence or Deceleration, which includes immediate but temporary removal of the student from the clinical (or equivalent) components of the curriculum when alleged violations of compromised patient safety or privacy occur. 
      1. Action that does not result in a change in the student’s plan of study will be investigated and resolved by the respective program.  Action that results in a change in the student’s plan of study or an interruption in the plan of study will be initiated by the respective program and investigated and resolved in consultation with the Performance Evaluation and Progression Board.
      2. Students should contact their respective Program Director (or designee), or the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs for procedural steps involved with Program-Initiated Actions.
    4. Academic Dismissal

      Action that results in dismissal will be initiated by the respective program and investigated and resolved by the Performance Evaluation and Progression Board.

      A student may appeal academic evaluations in accordance with the conditions and procedures in the  Appeals of Academic Evaluations Policy.  If an appeal of an academic evaluation is not pursued or, if no change results from the appeal, this Performance Evaluation and Progression Policy will be followed.

      A student will be dismissed from their program of enrollment for any of the following circumstances which are substantiated by the evidence:

      1. The student fails to meet individual assessment or course requirements posted in the syllabus or a minimum course grade benchmarks twice for the same course.

      2. The student fails to meet the individual assessment or course requirements posted in the syllabus or minimum course grade benchmarks in two or more courses at any point during their plan of study.  

      A student may be dismissed from their program of enrollment if:

           i. The student fails to meet academic standard(s) due to unsatisfactory academic performance.

          ii. The student fails to meet academic standard(s) due to unsatisfactory professional behavior.

      The Performance Evaluation and Progression Board will review the evidence and issue the Academic Dismissal if the evidence substantiates a dismissal.  The decision is final.


Effective Date 

The provisions of this Policy apply to cases in which formal charges are brought after the date on which this Policy was approved by the College Leadership Council. Amendments to this Policy apply to cases in which formal charges are brought after the date that the amendment takes effect. 

Effective Date:  Summer Term 2024 as identified by the Academic Calendar  
Revised Date:  5/10/24
Policy Process Applied: Standard
Policy Review Cycle: Three-Year
Responsible Administrator: CAHP Dean for Academic Affairs
Responsible Office: CAHP Office of Academic Affairs
Policy Contact: Tammy Webster,