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Doctorate of Public Health Students

To maintain good academic standing, DrPH degree students are required to maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least a 3.00 in their program of study. 

Grades for all required DrPH core courses must be a B- (2.67) or above. A grade of C (2.00) may be accepted for no more than one course (provided it is not a core course); receipt of two grades of C or any grade below C (2.00) is not acceptable for DrPH degree credit and may result in dismissal from the program. 

Master of Public Health and Master of Health Administration Students

To maintain good academic standing, MPH and MHA degree students are required to maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least a 3.00 in their program of study. 

Grades for all required MPH or MHA core courses must be a B- (2.67) or above. A grade of C (2.00) may be accepted for no more than one course (provided it is not a core course); receipt of two grades of C or any grade below C (2.00) is not acceptable for MPH or MHA degree credit and may result in dismissal from the program. 

Certificate Students

To maintain good academic standing, students enrolled in a certificate program are required to maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least a 2.75 in their program of study. 

Receipt of more than two grades of C (2.00) or any grade below C (2.00) is not acceptable and may result in dismissal from the program. 


Any DrPH, MPH, MHA or Certificate student not in good academic standing for reasons cited above, may not continue their program of study without the permission of their advisor, the CoPH Curriculum Committee, and the CoPH Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs. To secure this permission, the student, in conjunction with the Student Success Coordinator and Advisor, must submit a plan of remediation for approval to the Curriculum Committee (see Remediation Plan Document below for more details). The Curriculum Committee will review the student’s status and plan of remediation and forward a recommendation to Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs who after approval of the plan files it with the Office of Educational Services. To continue in their program, the student must successfully complete their approved remediation plan and return to good academic standing within the subsequent twelve (12) months. 

Instructions for Developing a Plan of Remediation for Academic Standing Students: 

The following steps outline what must take place to address a situation prompting academic probation: 

  1. The student is placed on academic probation.

  2. The Office of Educational Services notifies the student, and the student's designated department, program and advisors, in writing of the student's probationary status and requirement to develop a remediation plan that at a minimum must include:
    1. how the student will come into full compliance with the good academic standing policy; and
    2. how the student plans to master the essential content provided by the course(s) in which a low grade was received; and
    3. how the student plans to avoid being placed on academic probation in the future.
  3. Along with the notification referenced in step 2 above, the Office of Educational Services informs the student and the faculty advisor of the due date for the plan of remediation. Written remediation plans are due at least two calendar weeks prior to the next regularly scheduled Curriculum Committee meeting. 
  4. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the Student Success Coordinator to develop the initial draft of the remediation plan and then share the remediation with their Advisor for final review and approval.

  5. The remediation plan may need to include retaking the same course if it was a required core course in the program of study.
  6. The remediation plan, with advisor signature and any required supplement materials, is submitted to the Office of Educational Services by the directed deadline.
  7. The Assistant Dean for Student Affairs places the remediation plan on the agenda for consideration at the next regularly scheduled Curriculum Committee meeting.
  8. If the plan is approved by the Curriculum Committee, the student and student's department, program and advisors are notified, and the plan is place in the student record.  The student will attend regularly schedule compliance meetings with the COPH Student Success Coordinator.  If the plan is not approved by the Curriculum Committee as submitted, the Curriculum Committee will provide direction to the student concerning areas of non-compliance and expectations for coming into compliance with the good academic standing policy. 
  9. If the student has not produced a written plan of remediation by the due date specified in the written notice from the Office of Educational Services (step 3 above), the CoPH Curriculum Committee will vote on notification of non-compliance and pending dismissal from program. Action will follow that will include a formal Curriculum Committee vote dismissal from the program.