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All DrPH, MPH, MHA, and Certificate students in COPH will be assigned an academic advisor to create and maintain a plan of study and discuss transfer credits. DrPH, MPH, and MHA students will also be assigned a department-based faculty mentor to provide guidance in elective course selection, career exploration, research and culminating project development (Capstone, Dissertation). 

It is the responsibility of the student to contact the academic advisor concerning the plan of study and academic progression. Students are expected to meet with their academic advisor twice per year, as needed, and to meet with their faculty mentor twice per year.  

Who Should Students Contact: Academic Advisor Faculty Mentor
Support in completing a plan of study X
Understanding policies and procedures regarding transfer credit and course substitutions X
Provide the most up-to-date information on course availability  X
Transfer of credit requests X
Career and/or research mentoring X
Practice experience (APEx, Practicum, Capstone, Dissertation) considerations X
Elective course options X

Changing Faculty Mentor

If a student wishes to change their faculty mentor, they must first request release from their current mentor in writing via email and receive permission from that mentor. The student must then identify and request permission from the mentor to whom they wish to transfer. Finally, it is the student’s responsibility to inform the Office of Educational Services of any mentor change.