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Become the nurse leader/executive who inspires, creates, achieves, and celebrates the organization's mission. There is a need for nurse leaders to respond to the clinical, organizational, and fiscal changes faced by complex health care delivery systems. Today's nurse leaders and executives require knowledge and skills with evolving evidence-based specialty practices, strong communication skills, business acumen and knowledge of financial and human resource management, strategic leadership, advocacy, applied quality improvement, informatics, and organizational behavior. Nurse Leader/Executive specialty students participate in hybrid classes supported by 500-hours of specialty clinical experiences.

Career opportunities include nursing leader/executive roles in any type of healthcare or business settings, including hospitals/hospital systems, transitional care facilities, community-based centers/agencies, public health departments, clinics, and insurance companies.

The following information regarding this specialty track is accurate at the time of publication, but is subject to change.

Nurse Leader/Executive for Students Enrolled Beginning Fall 2024

Number Course Name Credit Hrs
EPI 808 Biostatistics and Epidemiology in Nursing Practice * 4
NRSG 600 Foundations of Scholarly Writing * 1
NRSG 601 Advanced-Level Nursing Roles * 2
NRSG 602 Foundations of Quality, Safety, Informatics and Finance * 4
NRSG 603 Foundations of Theories and Evidence-Based Practice * 3
NRSG 604 Foundations of Population-Based Health Policy * 3
NRSG 608 Transformational Leadership and Complex Systems * 3
NRSG 620 Leading Care Systems for Nurse Managers 2
NRSG 621 Leading Care Systems for Nurse Managers Clinical 3
NRSG 622 Managing Patient Care Systems as Nurse Managers 3
NRSG 623 Managing Patient Care Systems as Nurse Managers Clinical 3
NRSG 624 Evaluating Care Systems as Nurse Managers 3
NRSG 625 Evaluating Care Systems as Nurse Managers Clinical 4
NRSG 626 Nurse Executive Leadership 3
NRSG 627 Nurse Executive Leadership Clinical 3

Nurse Leader/Executive for Students Enrolled Before Fall 2024

Number Course Name Credit Hrs
Various Graduate Statistics **
NRSG 602 Nursing Scholarship * 4
NRSG 603 Leadership in Nursing * 3
NRSG 609 Health Promotion for Populations * 3
NRSG 651 Health Care Systems and Policy 3
NRSG 652 Organizational Improvements 4
NRSG 653 Analyzing Issues in Nursing Administration 3
NRSG 654 Introduction to Health Informatics 3
NRSG 655 Financial Management and Health Care Economics 3
NRSG 656 Developing Systems and Infrastructures in Health Care Organizations 5
NRSG 657 Practicum in Managing and Evaluating in Health Care Organizations 5

 ** Graduate Statistics courses not offered by College of Nursing but available through University of Nebraska system, including UNMC (BIOS 806 - Biostatistics I), or at/through any accredited college/university.

Represents a core course for this specialty.