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Emergency Notification System

Medical students should register for the UNMC ALERTS emergency notification system that would quickly alert them should a shooting, tornado, or other life-threatening event occur on campus. Subscribers will be sent a text message via their cell phone, email, or pager in case of an extreme emergency on campus.

View detailed information on registering for UNMC Alerts as a new user

Emergency Preparedness

In the event of an emergency or disaster, students can get information about public health concerns through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website. It has updates on natural disasters, severe weather, bioterrorism, chemical emergencies, mass casualties, recent outbreaks and radiation emergencies.  

Students will be notified by the Dean of the College of Medicine (or designee) if additional information or procedures warrant.

Academic Contingency Plan for Catastrophic Events

Pre-clinical years

In the event of significant interruption of M1 and M2 classes during the academic year, the COM will waive attendance requirements. Students missing classes will be expected to access Echo360 on Canvas (95% of lectures are generally recorded). Standard COM policy for test absences due to illness will be followed.

Clinical years

Students will be expected to contact M3 and M4 clerkship directors for any absences. Appropriate remediation will be individualized with each clerkship director.

Source: UNMC COM Office of Medical Education
Approved M1 and M2 Core directors and Clerkship directors
Review date: Fall 2009