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This policy applies to all UNMC students.

Policy Statement

Refunds are computed using the effective date on the withdrawal application or the “drop and add” form when completed and submitted to the Registrar. Students who withdraw or drop are not relieved from the payment of the balance due. Refunds will be applied first to unpaid balances. Any remaining balance or obligation to any University service must be paid. Failure to do so may prevent registration for future semesters or sessions. (Note: Refunds are not made for fees unless a student drops a course during the 100% periods of the refund schedule.) Students who receive financial aid and withdraw during the refund period may have to repay all or a portion of the financial aid received. A financial aid recipient should contact the Office of Financial Aid prior to withdrawal.

Courses Lasting Eight or Fewer Weeks

Before first official day of session 100%
First three days of classes* 100%
Remainder of first week 50%
Second week of classes 25%
Third week of classes or later 0%

Courses Lasting Nine or More Weeks

Before first official day of session 100%
First week of class* 100%
Second week of class 75%
Third week of class 50%
Fourth week of class 25%
Fifth week of class or later 0%

*In the event that a student withdraws from a course or that UNMC cancels a course, the colleges may, at their option, refund all or a part of the pre-registration deposit.


  • RP 5.7.3

Effective Date: April 19, 1975
Revised Date: 11/19/2022
Policy Process Applied: Standard 
Policy Review Cycle: Three Year
Responsible University Administrator(s): Manager of Student Accounts
Responsible University Office(s): Office of Student Accounts
Policy Contact: Michaela Grube, Manager Student Accounts