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Admissions Requirements

All applicants to the dual degree programs must apply and be accepted into each program separately.  Applicants are evaluated by each degree program in separate admissions processes.  The College of Public Health application requirements include the following:

  • Completion of the SOPHAS Express Public Health application and submission of the application fee.
  • Official transcripts reflecting an earned bachelor’s degree, with a 3.0 or higher grade point average for the last 60 undergraduate or the last 18 graduate/post-baccalaureate credit hours completed.
  • MCAT scores taken in the last five years.
  • Three letters of recommendation from academic or professional references.
  • A resume reflecting one or more years of work/volunteer history related to health and/or human services.
  • A one page personal statement describing the applicant’s:
    • Interest in and potential for contributing to the field of public health
    • Career objectives
    • Self-assessment of computer, quantitative analysis, and personal skills and general preparation for succeeding in a public health graduate program


Students can choose from any of the seven MPH concentration options and must complete all core and concentration courses in the MPH program.  

Students complete all requirements for CPH 528 Applied Practice Experience and CPH 529 Capstone.  

MD/MPH students will enroll in their medical school M1, M2 and M3 years in the traditional sequence.  In the fourth year of study the MD/MPH students will complete an “MPH Year” in which they take a sabbatical from their medical school course work and complete most credit hours of MPH course work.  In their fifth year of study (traditional M4 year) the MD/MPH students will complete the remaining credit hours of CPH 528 Applied Practice Experience and CPH 529 Capstone.  

Between 6 and 9 credit hours (depending on MPH concentration) from the courses below transfer from the MD program toward the MPH program to count as elective course credit: 

  • M-ID 501 Fundamentals (5 credit hours) 
  • M-ID 532 Acute Care and Clinical Transitions (5 credit hours)