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Counseling Services

Counseling is made available to students at the University of Nebraska Medical Center campus through the Student Counseling Center. Services are available on either a walk-in or appointment basis. All services are free of charge and strictly confidential. Services can be provided on an individual, couple, or group basis. Students can contact the Center by calling 402-559-7276.

Financial Aid/Scholarships

For information, see the Division of Student Success section of the Catalog or contact the Office of Financial Aid at 402-559-4199.


UNMC owns houses and apartments on campus that are leased to full-time students on a first-come, first-served basis. All rental agreements are made through the Business Services Department, Rental Property Management. Leases are written for the academic year. For more information, contact Rental Property at 402-559-5201.

Services for Veterans

To be certified for VA Benefits please contact the Office of Financial Aid at 402-559-4199, each term.

Student Organizations

Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy – AMCP

The Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy is the national professional association of pharmacists and other health care practitioners who serve society by the application of sound medication management principles and strategies to improve health care for all. The role of the University of Nebraska Medical Center AMCP Student Chapter is to raise awareness of managed care pharmacy principles and practices and to promote connectivity with AMCP, managed care pharmacists, employers, learning opportunities and other student pharmacists.

Academy of Student Pharmacists – ASP

The Academy of Student of Pharmacy is the student chapter of the American Pharmacists Association. This national association was organized in 1852 and traditionally represents the broad interests of professionals in pharmacy. Membership in the chapter serves to identify students with their chosen profession and allows them to participate in a number of academic, professional and social activities. All students enrolled in the College of Pharmacy are encouraged to join the Academy.

Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International – CPFI

The Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International is an interdenominational ministry made up of pharmacists, in all areas of pharmaceutical service and practice, throughout the world. This international organization promotes Christian fellowship among pharmacists while promoting spiritual growth. All interested students are encouraged to join.

Community Student Pharmacists Association - CSPA

CSPA is an organization that represents student pharmacists that want to explore the retail setting. We wish to make students aware of pharmacy practice in the community setting, including both independent and chain opportunities, provide information to students about career directions and credentials needed for pharmacy practice in the community, and encourage membership and participation in the Nebraska Pharmacists Association (NPA) and the National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) as a student and upon graduation.

Kappa Epsilon Fraternity — Beta Chapter (KE)

KE is a professional fraternity for students in pharmacy. Founded in 1921, KE aims to have a significant impact on the profession of pharmacy, pharmacy students, and the community. KE supports personal and professional development, provides networking opportunities, promotes pharmacy as a career, and participates in various services projects throughout the community. The Beta Chapter focuses on breast/ovarian cancer awareness and mental health awareness as philanthropies. KE empowers its members to achieve personal and professional competence and develops leaders for the profession and community.

Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity — Gamma Epsilon Chapter (KY)

Kappa Psi is a professional fraternity for students in pharmacy. The purpose of this organization is for the mutual benefit of the members for the advancement of the profession of pharmacy, educationally, fraternally and socially; and to instill industry, sobriety, fellowship and high ideals in its members and to foster scholarship and pharmaceutical research.

Phi Lambda Sigma – Beta Xi Chapter (PLS)

The purpose of PLS, also known as the national Pharmacy Leadership Society, is to promote the development of leadership qualities, especially among pharmacy students. The Society encourages participation in all pharmacy activities.  Phi Lambda Sigma honors leadership.  Members are selected by peer recognition. No greater honor can be bestowed upon an individual than to be recognized as a leader by one’s peers. Such recognition instills and enhances self-confidence, encourages the less active student to a more active role and promotes greater effort toward the advancement of pharmacy.  Students in their second through fourth years of pharmacy education are eligible for membership.  Membership may also be extended to faculty and others who support leaders in pharmacy.

Rho Chi Pharmacy Honor Society — Alpha Epsilon Chapter

The Rho Chi Society is the national pharmacy honor society. The Rho Chi Society encourages and recognizes excellence in intellectual achievement and advocates critical inquiry in all aspects of pharmacy. The Society further encourages high standards of conduct and character and fosters fellowship among its members.  Students qualify for election and invitation to membership in Rho Chi based on their cumulative grade point average and academic standing in the upper 20% of their class. An annual initiation banquet, fund-raising for an annual scholarship award, and providing tutoring and exam preparation sessions comprise the major activities of Rho Chi.

Rural Pharmacy Student Association — RPSA

The Rural Pharmacy Student Association is an organization for students admitted through the Rural Health Opportunities Program (RHOP), the Rural Pharmacy Practice Educational Initiative (RPPEI), and all other pharmacy students interested in rural pharmacy practice. The Association promotes the preparation and training of students for the practice of pharmacy in rural areas. Membership in the Association serves to identify students with an interest in rural practice and allows them to participate in a number of professional development and social activities.

Student Society of Health-System Pharmacy – SSHP

Student Society of Health-System Pharmacists (SSHP) is a national professional association that represents student pharmacists who aspire to practice in hospitals, health maintenance organization, long-term facilities, home care, and other components of the health care system. The organization aims to prepare the next generation of health-system pharmacists to be leaders in their schools and communities to advance the future of the pharmacy profession.

On a local level, UNMC’s SSHP chapter hopes to educate current students about the area of Health System pharmacy practice. SSHP strives to provide networking opportunities by hosting guest speakers and by encouraging attendance at national conventions. Our chapter also aims to prepare students for the residency application process by hosting a residency information night. Members are also encouraged to participate in our local Clinical Skills Competition, with the winning team receiving free admission to ASHP’s Midyear Clinical Meeting.

The American College of Clinical Pharmacy – ACCP

ACCP is a professional and scientific society that provides leadership, education, advocacy, and resources enabling clinical pharmacists to achieve excellence in practice and research.  ACCP is the third largest pharmacy organization and the only one focused soley on clinical pharmacy.  Members practice in a variety of settings, and most members have completed residency training and are board certified.