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Let me welcome you to the College of Pharmacy at the University of Nebraska Medical Center.

The College of Pharmacy was founded in 1915.  Today, we are recognized as one of the outstanding institutions for pharmacy education and research in the world.  This recognition is a well-earned result of what we do.   We educate pharmacists, health care professionals with the scientific knowledge, clinical skills, compassion and integrity to deliver the highest quality patient care and improve human health.  We educate pharmaceutical scientists, researchers who are focused on discovery of new drugs, of new ways to deliver drugs, on the efficacy of drugs, and on the cost, access and outcomes of drug therapy.  We educate leaders, professional role models through their ideals and standards for the practice of pharmacy, and community, state, national and international leaders through their work with professional organizations, health care industries, consumer groups and governmental agencies. 

Our Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) professional program is ranked 19th of 141 pharmacy schools in the United States by U.S. News and World Report, and is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmaceutical Education (ACPE).  We focus on student learning and defined outcomes.  We emphasize the application of knowledge and the development of professional skills, abilities and competencies.  We prepare pharmacists for lifelong learning, because on the horizon are breathtaking advances in drug discovery and delivery, genomics, informatics, and clinical pharmacology, which will increase the importance of drug therapy in patient care and the role of the pharmacist. Our 2023 graduates finished at the top with a rank of number 1 of 141 accredited pharmacy schools on the North America Pharmacy Licensure Exam (NAPLEX). 

Our graduate program in Pharmaceutical Sciences offers educational opportunities that lead to the Master of Science (MS) and the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degrees.  We offer our graduate students the ability to engage in research in a wide variety of areas including medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutics, drug delivery, and pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.  Graduates of our Pharmaceutical Sciences program are highly sought after for positions in academia, industry and government.

I am pleased your career pursuits have led you to the College of Pharmacy at the University of Nebraska Medical Center.  Since our founding, the efforts of our faculty, students, staff and alumni have kept the College at the leading edge of pharmacy and graduate education.  This is where your dreams can become reality. 

Best personal regards,

Keith M. Olsen, Pharm.D.
Dean and Professor