UNMC College of Medicine students desiring to appeal grades and other evaluations of their academic performance, not involving academic dismissal or suspension, shall proceed as follows :
Results of individual assessments (i.e., examination performance, OSCE performance, narrative assessments) - each step follows the previous if there is not satisfactory resolution for the student:
- Within two weeks of assessment results being posted, a written appeal should be made to the Block, Clerkship, or Elective Director.
- Within two weeks of receiving the decision of the Block, Clerkship, or Elective Director, a written appeal should be made to the relevant Phase Director. Their decision is final.
Course Grades
Phase 1
Each step follows the previous if there is not satisfactory resolution for the student:
- Within two weeks of the block grade being posted; students submit a written appeal to the Associate Dean for Medical Education. He/she may choose to review the record, meet with the student, and/or act summarily.
- A written appeal should be submitted to the College of Medicine through the Associate Dean for Student Affairs within two weeks of the decision of the Associate Dean for Medical Education. An Appeal Committee in the College of Medicine will be convened. All of these steps and the appeal process must follow the UNMC Appeals of Academic Evaluations guidelines.
Phase 2/3
Each step follows the previous if there is not satisfactory resolution for the student:
- Within one month of grade posting, a written appeal should be made to the clerkship or elective director with copies sent to the phase director and department chair. Student Grade Appeal Submission Form
- A written appeal should be made to the relevant phase director within one month of the clerkship or elective director’s decision.
- Within one month of the decision by the Phase Director, a written appeal should be submitted to the College of Medicine through the Associate Dean for Student Affairs. An Appeal Committee in the College of Medicine will be convened. All of these steps and the appeal process must follow the UNMC Appeals of Academic Evaluations guidelines.
Grade Appeals Committee
Upon receipt of an upheld grade by the Phase Director, a student may submit a written request of a grade appeal to the College of Medicine through the Associate Dean for Student Affairs. The appeal must be made, in writing, within one month of the date of notification of the upheld grade from the Phase Director. An Appeal Committee in the College of Medicine will be convened and appointed by the Associate Dean for Student Affairs.
If a student requests a personal appearance before the Appeal Board or the Appeal Board requests the presence of the student, the request shall be granted. The student requesting an appeal will be given at least ten days’ notice of the time and place of the meeting, the membership of the Appeal Committee and the procedures to be followed.
The student must show by a preponderance of new evidence that the prior grade appeal denial decisions were improper or unfair.
Committee Membership
The Appeal Committee shall consist of three (3) members of the faculty from the College of Medicine, all with equal voting status. The Board shall not include current members of the Student Evaluation Committee (SEC) or College of Medicine faculty that have direct oversight or involvement in performance assessment and evaluation within the Phase the grade is being appealed or other individuals who might have a conflict of interest. Each member of the appeal committee will be asked to sign a formal document that they have no real or known potential conflict of interest with the student.
The members of the Appeal Committee shall select one of the members as Chairperson. The Chairperson shall, in all cases, vote as a member of the Board.
An advisor of choice may accompany the student wishing to appear personally before the Appeal Committee. The name of the advisor must be provided to the Office of Admissions and Student Affairs at least one week before the meeting. The role of the advisor shall be limited to assisting the student.
The Chairperson of the Appeal Committee shall determine the order of the meeting, will direct questioning of the student, and ensure that the student and an advisor, are treated fairly.
A member of the Office of Admissions & Student Affairs staff shall function as Secretary to the Committee. The secretary shall keep minutes of the Committee’s proceedings.
After consideration of all the presented written and/or oral discussion, the Appeal Committee shall determine by majority vote, either to overturn or uphold the grade. The decision of the Grade Appeal Committee, which will be based solely on the information presented and the discussion at the meeting.
The rulings made by the Grade Appeal Committee regarding the final block, clerkship, or elective grade may be further appealed to the Dean of the College of Medicine. An appeal request must be made, in writing, within one month of the date of the notification of the board's final decision. The Dean may choose to review records of proceedings and/or interview the student. The Dean will uphold or overturn the committee’s ruling and, in all cases, this decision is final.
Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE)
Senior medical students assist members of the Office of Student Affairs in the drafting of the MSPE and are allowed to suggest edits to the document. Any appeals related to its content following this process should be directed to the Associate Dean of Student Affairs.
Approved by the Curriculum Committee: February 25, 2020
Approved by the Curriculum Committee: March 22, 2022
Approved by the Curriculum Committee: November 28, 2023
Approved by the Curriculum Committee: May 28, 2024