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Clinical Compliance

Policy Scope

This policy applies to all Radiography (RT) students.

Policy Statement

Incidents: As general policy, Radiography students will comply with the policies and procedures with the clinical site at which they are assigned. It is the policy that there be written reports of all unusual incidents/accidents.

An incident is an unusual occurrence which is not consistent with the routine operation of the institution or clinical rotation which may or did cause harm, involves possible negligence, requires some immediate consideration or action by a supervisor.

A student is expected to provide prompt, complete and accurate written documentation of the details related to any accidents/incidents, thus enabling corrective actions and/or programs for prevention. Students with signs and symptoms of an infectious process should report immediately to the program director for appropriate referral.

All incidents must immediately be reported to the technical supervisor or immediate person in charge. Proper report forms must be completed.

Equipment Use and Operation: The professions in Medical Imaging and Therapeutic Sciences employ the use of highly specialized equipment. Any equipment failure or equipment that is not in proper working order must be reported immediately to the clinical supervisor. Do not place any calls to equipment representatives. Do not attempt to repair.