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Students who complete study toward the Doctor of Pharmacy degree, and have an interest in a research career, may consider entrance into the Graduate College. The Graduate College offers opportunities for studies at the Master of Science (MS) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) levels in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate Program (PSGP).

Students in the professional program who have baccalaureate degrees may wish to consider pursuit of a combined MS./PharmD degree. This program requires dual matriculation in the College of Pharmacy and the Graduate College.

The guidelines for the concurrent professional/graduate degree program are summarized as follows:

  • The candidate must have earned a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent.
  • The candidate must be admitted in both the professional degree program and the Graduate College.
  • The student is required to pass all examinations (comprehensive and final) as specified by the PSGP procedural guidelines.

For the Master of Science degree, only Option I (with thesis) can be selected. Under this option a candidate must complete six graduate courses from the PSGP list of core courses.
Didactic graduate courses are accepted in the elective portion of the professional program.