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LCME Elements 11.5 and 11.6 states that medical student “educational records are confidential and available only to those members of the faculty and administration with a need to know, unless released by the student or as otherwise governed by laws concerning confidentiality” and schools should have “policies and procedures in place that permit a medical student to review and to challenge his or her educational records, including the Medical Student Performance Evaluation, if he or she considers the information contained therein to be inaccurate, misleading, or inappropriate.” 

This policy addresses access to information related to academic performance by faculty, administration and students to meet this standard.

Medical students are allowed to access and review their own academic records, as well as request the release of records in accordance with the University of Nebraska Medical Center policies and FERPA guidelines. This includes final course/clerkship grades, evaluation data used to determine grades (such as performance on examinations, quizzes, OSCEs, and other narrative assessments), their permanent academic record, and Medical Student Performance Evaluation. Much of this information is available to the student on demand, electronically within Canvas or Oasis or from individual clerkship/rotation directors.

Information in the student’s active paper cumulative record that is housed in Student Affairs, can be accessed and reviewed by a student by contacting the Student Affairs Coordinator and arranging a time for review. Reviews will take place during business hours Monday through Friday excluding holidays. Requests must be made and approved at least 24 hours in advance of review. Transcripts and currently enrolled courses are found online through MyRecords. The student will be asked to provide a photo id at the time of the review. Records must remain in the Office of Student Affairs.

A student may request a copy of the Medical Student Cumulative Academic Records File. This request must be made on site.

Exceptions to this right of access are: confidential letters and statements of recommendation; records that the student has waived the right to inspect; and records of instructional, supervisory, and administrative personnel which are in the sole possession of the maker and not accessible or revealed to any other person except a regular replacement for that record holder (an example would be a faculty member’s grade book).

written request must be filed for the release of information to third parties (anyone other than the student). The written request must contain a notarized signature of the student whose file is requested.

The following parties with legitimate educational purposes may access a student’s academic record without prior permission from the student:

  • Dean of the College of Medicine
  • Associate and Assistant Deans for Student Affairs and Medical Education
  • Student Evaluation Committee and Appeals Committee - whenever the student’s performance is being reviewed
  • Staff of the Office of Student Affairs
  • Staff of the Office of Medical Education
  • Director or Student Assessment
  • Directors of Academic Advising
  • University Officials on a need-to-know basis as determined by Associate or Assistant Deans for Student Affairs
  • Others as permitted or required by law or University policy

Approved by the Curriculum Committee: September 24, 2019
Modified by OME and OASA: August 27, 2020
Approved by the Curriculum Committee: September 22, 2020
Modified by OME and OASA: March 2, 2021
Updated by OME: July 20, 2021
Approved by the Curriculum Committee: November 22, 2022