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LCME Standard 8.8 states: 

8.8 Monitoring Student Workload

The medical school faculty committee responsible for the medical curriculum and the program’s administration and leadership ensures the development and implementation of effective policies and procedures regarding the amount of time medical students spend in required activities, including the total number of hours medical students are required to spend in clinical and educational activities during clerkships.

Clinical time for medical students cannot exceed the 80/24+4 rule with one day off per week averaged over the duration of the clerkship. Every day of the clerkship is a working day.

  1. Students can work up to 80 hours per week (averaged over the length of the clerkship) performing required rotation activities. Required rotation activities include clinical responsibilities and didactic sessions.  This does not include self-directed studying.
  2. Students will not work more than 24 hours consecutively followed by a 4-hour wrap-up period while on call. The 4 hour period can include rounds and other responsibilities of patient care but not new admissions or evaluations.
  3. Phase 2: In-house call will not occur more frequently than once per week averaged over the length of the clerkship.  Phase 3: In-house call will not occur more frequently than every 3 days.
  4. Students will have one day off every week averaged over the length of the clerkship. University holidays count as days off. 
  5. Students will not be placed on call the night before an examination. Students will be released from clinical duties 10 hours prior to an examination. 
  6. Phase 2: Duty hour compliance will be monitored during midterm feedback sessions and at the end of the clerkship.  Any duty hours issues should be reported to the clerkship directors who will develop a plan to address duty hour violations. Phase 3:  Any duty hours issues should be reported to the elective directors who will develop a plan to address duty hour violations.
  7. Students can anonymously report duty hour violations by completing the following form:

This policy was derived from the ACGME Common Program Requirements.

Approved by the Clerkship Directors: May 13, 2014
Approved by the Curriculum Committee: January 28, 2020
Modified by the Office of Medical Education: December 6, 2021
Reviewed and approved by the Curriculum Committee: January 23, 2024
Modified by the Office of Medical Education: February 8, 2024