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The following physical exam equipment is required or recommended for purchase for medical students.  These recommendations are based on a survey of directors of blocks, clerkships and tracks for all four years of medical education.  Full details of the survey are available on request. 

Equipment requirements are subject to change if determined by the block (course) director.

Required Physical Exam Equipment

Students are required to purchase a personal stethoscope and download a flashlight app on their phone for use during physical exam. 

Recommended models of stethoscope:

Recommended Physical Exam Equipment

The following equipment items are recommended during certain rotations but are not required. Students may purchase equipment at their discretion.  This equipment is usually available in patient care areas (*). 

  • Tendon hammer*
    • Internal medicine clerkship, family medicine clerkship, pediatric clerkships, neurology elective, neurosciences block
  • Monofilament*
    • Internal medicine clerkship, internal medicine electives, family medicine clerkship
  • Snellen visual acuity card (phone app)
    • Internal medicine clerkship, family medicine clerkship, neurology elective, ophthalmology elective, emergency medicine elective
  • Metric ruler (phone app)
    • OBGYN clerkship, emergency elective, radiation oncology elective
  • Trauma shears
    • General surgery clerkship, trauma surgery elective, emergency medicine elective
  • Calipers
    • Circulatory block, cardiology elective

If this equipment is essential to your block, clerkship or track/elective and not available from the simulation lab during teaching session/OSCE or in the clinical environment, please contact Dr. Amy Cutright.

Provided Physical Exam Equipment

The following physical exam equipment will be provided for use in patient care, teaching and simulation areas.  Students will not be required to purchase these items.  

  • Tuning fork
  • Otoscope
  • Ophthalmoscope

If this equipment is essential to your block, clerkship or track/elective and not available from the simulation lab during teaching session/OSCE or in the clinical environment, please contact Dr. Amy Cutright.