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Graduate College Scholarship Requirements

Grading System

Graduate students are graded by letter grades as follows: A+, A, A–, B+, B, B–, C+, C, C–, D+, D, D–, P (Pass), F (Fail), W (Withdrew), and I (Incomplete; see below). Only a Pass/Fail grade is to be used for research projects, thesis or dissertation work. The following quality points are given for courses completed:

Grade Quality Points
A+ 4.00
A 4.00
A- 3.67
B+ 3.33
B 3.00
B- 2.67
C+ 2.33
C 2.00
C- 1.67
D+ 1.33
D 1.00
D- 0.67
F 0.00

Grades of Incomplete

The grade of Incomplete is to be used by an instructor at the end of a term to designate incomplete work in a course. It is used when extenuating circumstances (such as illness, military service, hardship or death in the immediate family) prevent the student from completing the requirements of the course in the term in which the student is registered for credit. A grade of Incomplete is given only if a student has already substantially completed the major requirements of a course. The instructor must judge each situation on a case-by-case basis.

The instructor must a) indicate by a departmental record, with a copy to the student, how and by when the Incomplete is to be removed, and b) if he/she is at the University at the time of the removal, supervise the makeup work and report the permanent grade. In the event that the instructor is not available at the time of the student’s application for removal of an Incomplete, the department chairperson shall supervise removal of the Incomplete and report the permanent grade for the student.

Grades of Incomplete must be completed within one semester after they have been awarded or they will be automatically changed to a grade of Fail. Any extensions to the one-semester time frame must be arranged with the Dean for Graduate Studies prior to the Incomplete being changed to a grade of Fail. A student with two or more current grades of Incomplete will not be permitted to enroll in any new courses until the number of current Incomplete grades becomes less than two. All grades of Incomplete on courses that are part of the degree requirements must be removed at least one month before the final oral/written examination for the M.S. or Ph.D. degree.

Grade Point Averages

The grade point average (GPA) is determined by multiplying the quality points earned in each graduate-level course by the number of credit hours for that course, adding the products for all courses, and then dividing the sum by the total number of credit hours in which quality points were earned. Grades of Pass are not used in determining the GPA. The cumulative GPA is calculated based on grades earned in graduate-level courses specified in the student’s Program of Study and completed on any University of Nebraska campus.

A student may repeat a course in which he/she has previously received an unsatisfactory grade with the approval of the student’s Advisor/Supervisor, course instructor, and the Dean for Graduate Studies. A student registering for such a course must notify the Office of Academic Records of re-registration in the course. Both grades will appear on the transcript but only the last grade will be used in determining the GPA.

Transfer of Credit

All graduate credits to be counted toward the satisfaction of degree requirements — including all transfer credits — must be approved and recommended by the Graduate Committee of the student’s degree program.  Not less than 50 percent of the course work required for any graduate degree must be completed at the University of Nebraska.

No graduate credit will be accepted for transfer unless earned at an institution fully accredited to offer graduate work, nor should the student expect any graduate credits to be transferred unless the program's Graduate Committee evaluates the quality and suitability as equal or superior to offerings available at the University of Nebraska. Students should order official transcripts of graduate work taken elsewhere at least one semester before the student intends to graduate. Transcripts should be sent to the Graduate Studies Office, University of Nebraska Medical Center, 987810 Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, Nebraska 68198-7810.

General Scholarship Requirements

Students are expected to perform at the level of B or above in any graded (A/B/C/D/F) course that is offered for graduate credit. A minimum grade of C may be acceptable for graduate-level courses, but receipt of two grades of C may be cause for dismissal. Any grade below C is not acceptable for graduate credit and may be cause for dismissal. Likewise, a grade of F in any Pass/Fail course (e.g., non-thesis research, Master’s Thesis, Doctoral Dissertation, Practicum) may be grounds for dismissal. A student failing to receive a minimum acceptable grade in a course for graduate credit may not continue his/her program of studies without permission of their Advisory/Supervisory Committee or the program Graduate Committee. The Committee's recommendation, along with an appropriate explanation and justification, must be submitted with a remediation plan to the Graduate Studies Office. Recommendations for dismissal require approval by the Dean of Graduate Studies.

Graduate students must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 in order to be considered in good academic standing. Any student who fails to maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 at the end of any given semester may not continue his/her Program of Study without special permission of the Dean for Graduate Studies acting on the recommendation of the appropriate Graduate Committee or Advisory/Supervisory Committee. Hence, upon notification of a student’s poor academic standing, the appropriate Committee must submit to the Dean for Graduate Studies a letter that includes 1) a review of the student’s academic status (including any other information relevant to the student’s performance), and 2) their recommendation for continuation or dismissal. If continuation is recommended, the letter must also include 3) a remediation plan for returning to good academic standing, and 4) any additional conditions established by the Committee for remaining in the program. Students permitted by the Dean for Graduate Studies to continue in the Graduate Studies program will be placed on academic probation and must remove the probationary status (i.e. return to a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0) within the next twelve (12) months. Failure to remove probationary status within this time frame, and/or to meet any other conditions established for remaining in the program, represents grounds for dismissal.

The above minimum scholarship requirements apply to ALL students enrolled in ANY course for graduate credit. Additional requirements may exist for certain graduate programs and departments as set forth in the Programs and Curriculum Requirements section of this Catalog, at websites maintained by each program, or in documents provided to students at the time of admission.