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Student Leave Time (Comp Time)

Policy Scope

This policy applies to all Diagnostic Medical Sonography (DMS) students.

Policy Statement           

Students enrolled in the Diagnostic Medical Sonography program are given 2 days of leave time (1 classroom day and 1 clinical day) for personal affairs each semester. It is intended to provide necessary time for planned or unplanned events without jeopardizing the student’s attendance record. Regarding the use of student leave time, the following guidelines must be followed:

  1. Unused time allotted is not transferrable to a successive semester.
  2. Students taking more than the allotted number of hours will be required to make up the time according to the discretion of the program director.
  3. Unauthorized absenteeism may result in disciplinary actions.
  4. A student may be required to furnish satisfactory medical proof of illness, disability or dental work.
  5. It is recommended that suspected and confirmed pregnancy be reported to the program director. Time lost due to pregnancy must be made up according to the decision of the program director based on the Pregnancy Policies contained in this document.
  6. Full time students may request up to 5 days of funeral/bereavement leave in the event of a death of an immediate family member. Documentation may need to be provided upon request.